Meal Strategies: Part 1

Hey guys!

Fall is here and the days are getting shorter. There is never enough time in the day to get everything you want to be done. So how do you balance a busy life and make time to plan healthy meals. Accomplishing this task is not easy. There is no "one size fits all" strategy for meal planning. I also believe there really is no right or wrong way to meal plan. Having a plan is better than no plan. A plan will position you to make healthier meals and save money. If you are struggling with meals and in need of a little inspiration. I hope you find these tips helpful in finding a system that works for you and your family.

Here are the tips our family uses to plan and shop each week.

  1. Each week, my wife and I search the internet for meal inspiration. Pinterest is often our "go to" website for meal ideas. When it comes to choosing meals, we have very different opinions on what to eat. Finding a balance for our separate wants and needs is important. Typically, we start with selecting a protein then move on to vegetables and grains.  Build and create a meal board of options on Pinterest to keep track of ideas. Check out my Meal Idea Board to see our meals and recipes we currently enjoy.
  2. Get creative with your favorite dishes. How the strategy works when you enjoy a dish but want a healthier version. You may need to research outside of your comfort zone to learn new recipes and techniques. The results are well worth the effort! Mentally, this is about healthy ingredients that can be added to your recipe that boosts flavor, texture, and overall taste appeal. Here are two examples of a salmon recipe that are similar but different. Honey Garlic Salmon and Baked Teriyaki Salmon. Try these recipes with Chicken or Pork. You will be pleasantly surprised!
  3. Time matters! Plans change when life throws curve balls. It is a good idea to have a Plan B and Plan C for meal ideas. Often we reach for the easiest solution, ordering takeout or delivery. Guilty! 🙋 What are your options like?  Rotisserie chicken meals are convenient, affordable, and save time. We will talk more about this strategy in future posts!

Regardless if you are new to meal planning or an expert strategist. It is important to create a plan that works for you. There is a lot of information to help you create a healthy balanced meal plan. In Meal Strategies: Part 2, I will share more ideas to learn and apply techniques, and obstacles for all situations.

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